
Maritime Training Issues Blog

The latest from Marine Learning Systems.


Using CBT in a Learning Management System

Nov 10, 2016 Murray Goldberg 1 , , , Photo above taken by US Air Force Staff Sergeant Matt Davis / CC BY-SA 2.0 This short series of articles is about the use of Computer Based Training (CBT) and other eLearning content, and how that use is related to learning management systems. The implications go beyond the use of technology and provide a [...] READ MORE
LMS Enabled KPIS

LMS-Enabled KPIs for Maritime Training

Oct 27, 2016 Murray Goldberg 0 , Introduction Continuous Improvement (or CI) is the process of continually analyzing the performance of an aspect of operations, and then applying changes to improve it. This is the third and final part in a blog series on using CI to improve your maritime familiarization training. Implementing a modest CI process for your in-house [...] READ MORE
Maritime Training KPIs

Key Performance Indicators for Maritime Training

Oct 13, 2016 Murray Goldberg 0 , Introduction Continuous Improvement (CI for short) is the process of continually analyzing the performance of some aspect of operations, and then applying changes to improve that performance.  It is a critical component in maintaining the health of any operation. In the maritime training environment, the focus of CI should be [...] READ MORE
Continuous Improvement - MarineLS

Continuous Improvement in Familiarization Training

Sep 21, 2016 Marine Learning Systems 0 , Introduction “Continuous Improvement” (or “CI” for short) is a term we hear a lot lately, and one that I've written about before. Sadly, despite that, CI principles are infrequently applied to in-house job and familiarization training. This is a mistake. First - it is neither difficult nor expensive to establish and [...] READ MORE
Improving Safety Culture and Training: Additional Lessons - MarineLS

Improving Safety Culture and Training: Additional Lessons

Aug 24, 2016 Murray Goldberg 0 , , Introduction In the first article of this series I began a discussion on what maritime organizations can do to improve training performance and organizational culture without having a large budget to devote to the task.  I used as an example an organization of 100 employees which felt as though their training program [...] READ MORE
Improving Safety Culture and Training: Lessons Learned - MarineLS

Improving Safety Culture and Training: Lessons Learned

Aug 10, 2016 Murray Goldberg 0 , Introduction This is a continuation of a blog post written last year on what maritime organizations can do to improve training and organizational culture without having a large budget to devote to the task.  I used as an example a small organization of 100 employees which felt as though their training program [...] READ MORE
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